August 26, 2022 Chairman of the Constitutional Court A. Ashurzoda and the chief of staff of the Constitutional Court A. Gulzoda participated in the international round table in the city of Almaty of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the title “Development of the phenomenon of constitutional control in the conditions of changes in society and the state” and the Chairman of the Constitutional Court spoke on the topic “Constitutional judicial justice of the Republic of Tajikistan in modern conditions”.

Representatives of the constitutional control authorities of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, representatives of the judicial authorities of Kazakhstan, legal scholars and others took part in this international event, which was held on the initiative of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe.

During the speeches, various topics related to constitutionalism, the role of the Constitutional Court in ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution, the protection of the constitutional rights of man and citizen, the role of constitutional justice in the implementation of constitutional values, the principle of separation of state power, strengthening democracy, the experience of constitutional judicial control in various states and other topics of the legal field was the subject of extensive discussions.

Also, according to the program developed by the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tajikistan participated in scientific-practical events of the Eurasian Academy of Law named after D.A. Kunaev and National University of Kazakhstan named after Al-Farabi.

The round table of the Eurasian Academy of Law named after D.A. Kunaev on the topic “Constitution – the basis of the development of the new Kazakhstan” was held on August 25 of this year, in which representatives of the constitutional control bodies of foreign countries, international organizations, as well as scientists and lawyers participated, and the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tajikistan delivered a congratulatory speech in its plenary session.

An international conference on the topic “Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan: history and new political reality” was held at the National University of Kazakhstan named after Al-Farabi on August 27, which was attended by the chairmen and representatives of the constitutional control bodies of foreign countries, international organizations, as well as scientists and lawyers. The Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tajikistan delivered a congratulatory speech in the opening part of the event.

At the end of this conference, the Chairmen of the Constitutional Courts of the Republics of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan were presented with the medal of the National University of Kazakhstan named after Al-Farabi.

In general, the international event was held at a high organizational level and provided a favorable basis for the presentation of the experience of constitutional judicial control of the Republic of Tajikistan to the constitutional control bodies of foreign countries and the development of international relations of the constitutional control bodies.